From the cock’s various fighting moves, masters of the Vietnamese traditional martial arts have formed many martial arts postures, which are fine looking, yet very unique and dangerous.
At present, among the Vietnamese traditional martial arts system, there are fighting-cock moves, including Hung ke quyen, Quyen ken nhat tuc, Kim ke quyen and Kim ke dao.
Hung ke quyen (fighting cocks’ competition), was said to be first practiced by Nguyen Lu, one of the three leaders of the insurrection during the Tay Son reign in the 17th century, and later it was used to train their troops. The fight describes a cock’s techniques while fighting, and it is listed among the best ten martial arts moves of the Vietnam Union of Traditional Martial Arts Associations.
The Vo Lam Tan Khanh – Ba Tra (or the Takhado) martial arts school also includes the Hung ke quyen, however it has some moves different from those practiced by the Vietnam Union of Traditional Martial Arts Associations.

The “Song trao hung ke” in the Hung ke quyen (fighting cock’s competition) of the Tan Khanh – Ba Tra martial arts school.

The “Hung ke khoi chien” comes from the cock in a position preparing for a fight.

The “Hung ke ue dau” based on the cock’s bill pecking the rival’s head.

The “Duc ke lac dia” is like a cock lowering his wings on the ground

The “Hung ke song tuc” is the cock using two feet to attack the rival.

The “Kim ke doc lap” is the cock standing firmly on one foot.

The “Duc ke dao son” is like the cock’s wings sweeping horizontally with strong power that can tilt a mountain.

The “Ke trao hoi dau” is like the cock using its spurs to attack the rival’s head.

A pair of swords or a big knife represents the cock’s two claws in the posture “Song trao ha ke”,
which is like the cock lowering his body and showing his two claws to fight against his rival.

The two swords represent the cock’s sharp claws.

The “Hung ke khoi chien” with a pair of swords describes the cock’s posture preparing for a fight,
his two wings look like two swords.

The “Hung ke song duc”, as the cock kicks his rival while expanding his two wings.

The “Luong ke khoi chien” is like two cocks at fight with their heads facing each other and their wings expanding.

Practitioner Le Minh Hai (right) performs the move “cock pecking the rival’s head” which is a very dangerous move.

Using two feet and jumping to attack the rival’s back.

The “Hung ke dao the”, a position when the cock strikes down his rival.

Practitioners Nguyen Van Trong (left) and Nguyen Trung Nam perform with swords which is based on the
cock’s fight using two claws to attack the rival’s pharynx.

Practitioners of the Tan Khanh-Ba Tra martial arts school perform with a big knife
and two swords in the move “Ke duc thang thien”, or “cock flaps wings to jump up”. |
According to martial arts instructor Ho Tuong, in the Vo Lam Tan Khanh-Ba Tra martial arts school, the fighting cock’s moves comprise technique of kicks, technique of forms and technique of body just like the attack, defense and avoidance of the cock to his rival during a fight. Images of the cock’s claws crashing and catching are expressed through the fingernails.
The cock’s sharp bill pecking is done with five fingers joined together and attacking the rival’s eyes. A kick by one foot or two feet is the cock’s forte at fight against his rival, while the prevention and avoidance against the cock’s attack, and ways against the cock’s moving around during a fight, all are showed off in martial arts moves.
Martial arts based on the fighting cock’s moves is suitable with the close-up attack, or attack to the right point, from lower to upper part, or from top down, of the rival. Fighting-cock martial arts are not only quick, flexible and dangerous moves, but also impressive performances. In addition, performances using a big knife or a pair of swords representing the cock’s sharp spurs will enhance the fighting spirit.
Practitioners of the Vietnam Traditional Martial Arts who want to train for fighting-cock martial arts must reach the secondary level (pink belt) and upwards, because only then can they have firm and quick moves in training for the fighting-cock martial arts effectively. Fighting-cock martial arts will help practitioners fight in defense or attack mode effectively, not simply as martial arts performances./.
Story : Son Nghia - Photos : Nguyen Luan