
The uniqueness of Khan Ran martial arts

Khan ran, a traditional checkered black and white shawl familiar to Southern Vietnamese, could be used as a highly effective self-defense weapon in certain situations.
According to Master Ho Tuong of the Vo Lam Tan Khanh – Ba Tra (or the Takhado) martial arts, khan ran is indeed a weapon in traditional martial arts in Vietnam. Each of the martial arts has its own fighting style with different uses for khan ran. For example, the Thanh Long (blue dragon) martial arts is famous for Nhung thuat (a technique using a shawl) while the Tan Khanh Ba Tra martial arts has Dao vu thien can, which means once the shawl is brandished, a powerful attack has come.

Being a kind of soft weapon, the khan ran martial arts has specific techniques that require students to practice certain skills. The main power of the khan ran martial arts is the diversity of techniques including knocking-out, hooking, locking and tying. With a soft and flexible khan ran, this martial art helps users easily attack from short and long range whenever they want.


Khan ran martial arts is unique.

 The Thanh Long (blue dragon) martial arts is famous for Nhung thuat (a technique using a shawl).

The Tan Khanh Ba Tra martial arts has Dao vu thien can technique.

A practitioner practices the khan ran martial arts.

 The khan ran is a soft weapon normally used to tie up opponents. 

Being a kind of soft weapon, the khan ran martial arts has specific techniques that require students to practice certain skills.

Master Ha Thi Yen Oanh, vice president of the Ho Chi Minh City Traditional Martial Arts Federation, said that the khan ran is a soft weapon normally used to tie up opponents. The power of khan ran is fully used thanks to the flexibility of arms, wrists and muscles combined with footwork and body movements.

According to master Ha Thi Yen Oanh, junior practitioners, who have been doing the martial arts for more than one year, can practice the Dao vu thien can technique. However, in order to complete and properly perform this special technique, practitioners must train for at least three years. In previous international festivals of martial arts, Vietnamese contestants proudly performed the khan ran martial arts. However, instead of using the Southern khan ran, Oanh’s students performed with normal scarves.

“I want to show the world that not only can the Vietnamese khan ran become a weapon, but all kinds of scarves can”, explained Master Oanh.

Khan ran is indeed a weapon in traditional martial arts.

Wrapping the opponent’s neck using khan ran and knock him down. 

Locking the opponent’s arm.

Using khan ran to attack the opponent’s face. 

Lock the opponent’s leg using khan ran and pull hard to make him fall.  

Locking the opponent's wrist.
By Son Nghia

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