Travel hotspots

Rai cave, a masterpiece created by nature

Hang Rai is a must-stop destination for visitors who are interested in discovering the windy and sunny area of Ninh Thuan.  
Located on the route of provincial highway 702, Thai An village, Vinh Hai commune, Ninh Hai district, Rai cave is seen as a “princess” sleeping near the sea and Nui Chua Mountain (God Mountain). Many large and small caves are home to many otters, giving the place its name, Rai.

It is quite easy to reach Rai cave driving on flat roads. On the way, visitors can see immense valleys and mountains inside the Nui Chua national park. Visiting the cave, people will be surprised at this masterpiece sketched by nature.

Visitors can see the charm of an ancient coral reef covered by evergreen moss and silvery waves.  It has also becomes endless inspiration to young people who love taking romantic photos.

The ancient coral reef at Rai cave. Photo: Nguyen Luan/VNP

Rai cave is most wonderful from November to February when visitors can take unique
and beautiful photos. Photo: Nguyen Luan/VNP

From the 300m long wooden bridge running along the cliff, tourists can see the
imposing space of the forest and sea in the area of Rai cave. Photo: Le Minh/VNP

Visiting Rai cave, tourists have a chance to see the beauty of the ancient coral reef.
Photo: Le Minh/VNP

Numerous small and large rocks create special and eye-catching shapes in Rai cave.
Photo: Thong Thien/VNP
The special terrain of piles of rocks heaped over centuries by nature creates a waterfall in the sea which is a magnet for photographers.

Visitors should visit Hang Rai at around 5 a.m., to witness the wonderful sunrise over mysterious coral reefs and waterfalls. Camping overnight in the area is a recommended selection for young people.

Part of Nui Chua national park, Rai cave is also a nature reserve of Vietnam. It is one of the rare places where sea turtles go to lay eggs.

Rai cave also is home to varieties of coral so some call it “coral park”. The coral varieties are colorful that attract numerous visitors who love diving to see coral.
Story: Nguyen Luan
Photos: Le Minh, Thong Thien & Nguyen Luan

Met Pagoda - The Ancient Temple on the Land of Learning Co Am

Met Pagoda - The Ancient Temple on the “Land of Learning” Co Am

Located in Co Am Commune, Vinh Bao District, Hai Phong, Met Pagoda was built around the 16th century by General Tran Khac Trang. This pagoda was once the place of practice for many renowned monks and recluses, including the first doctoral candidate Nguyen Binh Khiem. It is recognized as a Buddhist school and a cultural center of the Co Am region.
