In love with Vietnam

A French director’s love for Vietnamese theater

After 10 years of living and working in Vietnam, Quentin Delorme decided to open Hanoi ATH Theater and Arts Workshop to help develop acting skills for people of all ages.
When the French theater director first came to Vietnam in 2010, he was unfamiliar with the lives and culture in the S-shaped country. At that time, there were only theater classes for professionals. He had difficulties in convincing schools to teach acting in a school club.

“When I first started teaching, the Vietnamese teachers thought I would teach a class of the French language. They even gave me textbooks to teach French. However, after seeing how I teach, they were very surprised. Finally, they understood that I teach the whole new thing”, Quentin said.

Quentin has been passionately teaching theater for 10 years, and he has made many Vietnamese people pay more attention to that art form. They were aware that this is not only a tool for child development but also for adults. The Hanoi ATH Theater and Art Workshop currently recruits 4 year-old and older students. All of the students have no background in theater arts. During the learning process, Quentin tries to develop all aspects of the body, including flexible gestures or the diversity of emotions and concentration.

Along with teaching, Quentin also directs plays. Up to now, he has overseen about 10 professional plays and has directed 100 plays for children.

Quentin Delorme has been living and working in Vietnam for 10 years. 

Quentin Delorme with his actors in a rehearsal for the upcoming play.

The cast of Hanoi ATH Theater and Arts Workshop who are both French and Vietnamese on stage. 

Quentin Delorme has overseen about 10 professional plays and has directed 100 plays for children.

The Hanoi ATH Theater and Art Workshop is currently recruiting students 4 years old and older.

All of the students have no background in theater arts.

A scene from a play which has been recently performed at Hanoi ATH Theater and Arts Workshop.

A class at Hanoi ATH Theater and Arts Workshop.

Director Quentin Delorme is in charge of the sound and lighting of the plays.

According to Quentin, a theatrical performance is the result of teamwork. After each performance, he and a group of actors often listen to the audience's opinions about the play.

“What I always take notice of is that with each play, even if it is called a success, there are conflicting opinions. Therefore, the result is not what I look at but the process of how I and my actors have performed the play together is what matters”, he said.

Mentioning the next plays, Quentin said, “Right now I have a new project with the title "The Tale of Kieu" - an epic poem in Vietnamese by Nguyen Du. The play will be performed by Vietnamese amateur actors and will debut next year. "The Tale of Kieu" is the foundation of Vietnamese literature as well as Vietnamese culture, which inspired me to stage this play. I hope our play can give a new perspective on “The Tale of Kieu” compared to its previous staging.”

One of the successful plays directed by Quentin is "The old days". He came up with the idea that combined four Vietnamese fairy tales. The play was performed by students from Hanoi - Amsterdam High School in the framework of the 27th European children's theater festival held in Grenoble, France

Story: Ngan Ha  -  Photos: Cong Dat & Khanh Long

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Japanese Coordinator Helps Economic Empowerment for Ethnic youth

Haruna Ishimaru, a Japanese woman, has worked as the project coordinator for the Plan  International's "Promoting economic empowerment for ethnic Minority Youth in ha Giang and Lai Chau" initiative. Her work involves regular travel to remote areas within these provinces, where she directly supports the economic development of ethnic minority youth.
