The contemporary dance X- PROJECT, “Metamorphosis of Existence”, created by choreographer Ngo Thanh Phuong, has been introduced in Hue and Ho Chi Minh City which were highly praised in the art world.
The performance is a long-term artistic project conceived in Hoi An. It is the result of 6 months of collaborative work between choreographer Ngo Thanh Phuong and five performers who are participants of MORUA ARTS PROJECT, an artist-in-residency program for contemporary dance in Hoi An. They include Nguyen Nguyen, Thuong Le, Hoang Anh, Khang Nguyen and Duc Phuc. After its debut in Hue, X-PROJECT travelled to other cities to continue exploring new possibilities and ways of presenting itself to different communities.

“X-Project” reflects the metamorphosis of existence.

The performance combines body language with contemporary dance.

Ngo Thanh Phuong successfully connects body interacts with cultural and physical spaces of the performance.

Different dances of X-project. |
X-PROJECT takes as its inspiration the variant ‘X’ in math, and the chromosome ‘X’ in everyone. What is the body constructed of? Do we exist outside of our bodies? Can our bodies contain our dreams and the nuances of our emotions? How do we respond to our subconscious selves, and the selves of others? In our everyday life when we pass by each other, do we really encounter and interact? These are the questions posed to the audience through dance. With X-PROJECT, the participating artists use the language of their bodies to seek answers, by mixing different genres of HipHop and Popping and Breaking with contemporary dance, and by moving between different cultural spheres and physical spaces.
Ngo Thanh Phuong is the founder of Open Stage. She received the Best Choreography Award in 2012 at the International Modern Dance competition in Korea, and a grant from the Danish Cultural Development and Exchange Fund (CDEF) for her experimental work “Erasable”. In 2015, she co-created “A o show” and choreographed “Suong som” (the mist in early morning) of Lune Production.
By Nguyen Luan
Translated by Nguyen Tuoi