Opened in July of last year, Sago Auto, the country’s first used car market boasts increasing number of transactions with 5-8 cars sold per day.
The Ho Chi Minh City-based secondhand car market, which is common in the US and Europe, helps sellers and buyers save time and money as there is no commission when they meet with sales people to discuss purchases.
Located on Nguyen Dinh Chieu street in District 1, Sago Auto has an area of 5,000m2 and can accommodate 100 4-seat and 7-seat autos.

Sago Auto located on Nguyen Dinh Chieu street in district 1 attracts many people to visit and trade.

All information will be placed on the front window of the car along with an owner’s telephone number.

Sellers and buyers can meet directly to discuss purchases.

...and can also consult with technicians.

Sago Auto cooperates with banks to provide car rental services or buying on installment plans.

Sago Auto helps sellers and buyers save time and money as there is no commission.

The auto market has all kind of cars, from luxury to basic models,
with prices ranging from 200 million dong to several billion dong. |
Sago Auto owner Pham Van Thiet said that after traveling to the US several times he found that the used car markets there have many advantages, such as providing car buyers with clear information about mileage, production date, car condition and prices. Because of what he discovered, Thiet decided to open a similar market in Vietnam.
All information will be placed on the front window of the car along with an owner’s telephone number. That information is also available on its official website at |
Sellers of secondhand cars at Sago Auto pay a daily fee of 100,000 VND (4.5 US dollars) for at least seven days to sell their car.
The cars will be checked and a price set by Sago’s technicians. All information will be placed on the front window of the car along with an owner’s telephone number.
“It is very convenient to buy a car here because I can buy directly from the owner and I do not have to pay a middleman,” said Hua Viet Hung, a car buyer at the market.
Sago Auto also provides services for purchasing a car, including checking the origin, examining the technical situation, providing financial and payment services, and issuing price certificates.
Buyers can make phone calls and negotiate prices directly with sellers. All payments are carried out through a temporary banking account in order to limit risks. Money is transferred to sellers when everything is completed.
Most of cars in Sago Auto are pre-owned with many kinds of vehicles such as sedans, SUVs, cross-overs, pickups, and prices ranging from 200 million dong to several billion dong.
Story: Nguyen Oanh - Photos: Dang Kim Phuong