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Vietnam Airlines limits spread of Covid-19 from flights between Europe and Vietnam

As part of an effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 disease, all the flight crew members serving on Vietnam Airlines’ flights departing from European countries have been equipped with specialized medical protective clothing.

Vietnam Airlines said on March 17 that its back-up operation centres located outsides its headquarters have been launched and got ready for running around the clock to deal with the disease.

Sterilization is carried out for the entire passenger cabin.

Disinfection spraying CH2200, a kind of liquid disinfectant, has been approved by the aircraft manufacturers on the planes.

Wipe wash-hand-basin inside the toilet.

All areas of the aircraft are disinfected.

A flight crew member put on specialized medical protective clothing.

The centres have full functions and resources to ensure the smooth and stable operation of flights and services under all circumstances.

To prevent further spread of the disease, Vietnam Airlines has conducted disinfection spray immediately after each flight.

All the flight crew members wear specialized medical protective clothing to limit the spread of Covid-19.

All passengers and flight crew members have their health checked
after landing.

At present, Vietnam Airlines is the only Vietnamese carrier operating flights between Vietnam and Europe, which is a route with important significance in terms of economics, politics and diplomacy. The flights transports Vietnamese nationals in Europe who want to return to Vietnam on the condition that these passengers meet all immigration and health requirements./.
Story: VNP - Photos: Vietnam Airlines

