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US-DPRK Summit 2019: Vietnam – symbol of peace aspiration, reconciliation

When hosting the second DPRK-USA summit, Vietnam provides not only a venue with good logistics and security, but also encouragement for the two sides to leave the past behind, overcome their differences and look towards the future, said Vietnamese Ambassador to the US Ha Kim Ngoc.

In an interview granted to Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents in the US, the ambassador said Vietnam’s geographical location, good security, hospitality, and ability to organise international-level events make the country a good choice for the second meeting between US President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un.

Furthermore, Vietnam is a symbol of the aspiration for peace and reconciliation and the shift from confrontation to dialogue, from mutual suspicion to gradually building trust so that old enemies become partners, which is a reason why it is chosen as the venue for the second DPRK-USA summit.

Hosting the summit is in line with the nation’s multilateral foreign policy, which follows the motto of being a proactive and responsible member of the international community outlined at the 11th National Party Congress in 2011, the ambassador said.

He elaborated that being a responsible member means Vietnam should actively join in seeking solutions to hot regional and global issues of international interest, thus bringing about peace and stability.

Ambassador Ngoc also cited Directive 25 of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat dated August 8, 2018 which said Vietnamese diplomacy must play a core role of guiding and reconciliation in regional and international issues. According to him, the hosting of the second DPRK-USA summit is a breakthrough in implementing this guideline.

The sending of personnel to join the UN’s peacekeeping force in South Sudan is also a step in this direction, he said.
