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UN Security Council extends mandate of UN peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic

The UN Security Council on November 12 approved Resolution 2605 to extend the mandate of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) until November 15, 2022.

Adopted by a vote of 13 in favour to none against, with 2 abstentions (China and Russia), the resolution decided to maintain MINUSCA’s current troop levels of up to 14,400 military personnel, 3,020 police personnel, and 108 corrections officers.

The Mission’s mandate aims to protect civilians and the peace process as well as promote the implementation of the 2019 Political Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation signed between the Government of the Central African Republic and 14 armed groups.

In addition, the Mission will also facilitate the implementation of humanitarian activities, support the Central African Republic Government to conduct political dialogue and local elections in 2022, and promote security and legal reform.

MINUSCA, established on the basis of Resolution 2149 (2014), is renewed every 12 months. Vietnam currently has seven officers, including one female, serving at the Mission./.
