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Vietnam, Russia enhance defence cooperation

Deputy Defence Minister Hoang Xuan Chien has asked the Russian Ambassador to Vietnam to promote defence cooperation between Vietnam and Russia.

At a reception for Ambassador Gennady Stepanovich Bezdetko in Hanoi on June 26, the deputy minister stressed that Vietnam always treasures the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia.

He said along with the good development of the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries, defence cooperation has continued to be rolled out effectively in the fields of delegation exchange, training, scientific research in the framework of the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre, military technology and military history.

Chien proposed that the two sides continue to effectively implement the defence cooperation plan for 2023, especially joint activities of the two defence ministries such as the 6th defence strategic dialogue  at the deputy defence minister level, and the conference of the Coordinating Committee for the Vietnam-Russia Tropical Centre.

He urged Russia to accelerate assistance for the building of dossiers on the 70-year defence cooperation between Vietnam and the Soviet Union/Russia Federation, and expand collaboration in cyber security and strategic research.

Ambassador Bezdetko affirmed that the Russian defence ministry always wants to strengthen cooperation with the Vietnamese defence ministry under signed documents. He pledged to make the best possible preparations for the joint activities of leaders of the two defence ministries./.

