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Vietnam jumps 50 places on global cybersecurity index

Vietnam ranked 50th out of 175 countries on the Global Cybersecurity Index (CGI) in 2018, up 50 places from the previous year, according to a report by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU).

With a score of 0.693, Vietnam ranked 11th in the Asia-Pacific region, which was topped by Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia.
Vietnam’s outstanding performance has exceeded the initial target of climbing to 70th position.

The GCI was launched in 2007 and reflects five pillars including legal, technical, organisational, capacity building, and co-operation. It combines 25 indicators into one benchmark measure to monitor the cybersecurity commitment of 193 ITU member states.

With its 50th position, Vietnam is classified as a country demonstrating high commitments in all five pillars of the index.

The Ministry of Information and Communications has implemented synchronous solutions to continue to improve the ranking, making the country jump 20 places in 2019 in the CGI. It is also building a strategy to make Vietnam one of the strong countries in terms of network security.

The ministry would propose to the Prime Minister to instruct ministries, localities and sectors to ensure information security at organisations, contributing to improving the ranking.
