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Vietnam expects to expand engagement in UN peacekeeping operations

Vietnam will continue to seek measures to enhance the efficiency of and expand the areas of engagement in UN peacekeeping operations, heard a conference held by the Ministry of National Defence in Hanoi on January 7 to review Vietnam’s involvement in the operations in the 2012-2020 period.

The conference was chaired by Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh, who is also head of the Ministry of National Defence's steering committee for the participation in UN peacekeeping operations. It saw the attendance of representatives from ministries, agencies, sectors and military units.

Major General Hoang Kim Phung, Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations, said that from June 2014 to December 2020, Vietnam sent 179 officers and soldiers, including 126 military medical staff of two level-2 field hospitals, to UN peacekeeping missions in South Sudan, the Central Africa Republic and the UN Peace Operation Department at the UN headquarters, adding that the move was highly appreciated by the UN and supported by domectic and world opinions.

Vietnam is also training 259 sappers for the future engagement in peacekeeping operations at an appropriate time, the officer noted.

Vietnam’s involvement in UN peacekeeping missions has helped promoting defence cooperation between the country and partners, enhancing its position and prestige in the regional and global arena, and contributing to Vietnam’s success in running for non-permanent membership of the UN Security Council in the 2020-2021 tenure, he said.

Participants at the event shared experiences and sought measures to further increase the efficiency of Vietnam’s engagement in UN peacekeeping operations in the future.

They agreed that along with the maintaining of operations of a level-2 field hospitals in South Sudan and officers in other positions, Vietnam will seek opportunities to deploy the sapper force, while considering the possibility of expanding its engagement in other operation areas such as military police, infantry guards and transport helicopters, while continuing to send officers to take part in contests for commanding positions at missions and UN agencies.

The Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations will give more advice to the Central Military Commission and leaders of the Ministry of National Defence as well as the steering committee on measures to protect the safety of Vietnamese officers amidst COVID-19 pandemic.

Vietnam will strive to develop the department into a centre for the enhancement of peacekeeping capacity in the region and the world.
