Making news

HCM City leader receives Japanese city governor

 Permanent Vice Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee Le Thanh Liem hosted a reception for Nakamura Hiro, Governor of Yatsushiro city, the Japanese prefecture of Kumamoto on January 17.

Liem told his guest that Ho Chi Minh City has paid attention to bolstering cooperation with Japanese localities over the past years. The city has formed friendly partnership with seven Japanese localities.

This year, the city will embark on external cooperation with Japan, including the seventh Japan – Vietnam festival slated for February, he said, adding that Ho Chi Minh City wants to enhance collaboration with Yatsushiro city in fields of shared concern.

Nakamura Hiro, for his part, Yatsushiro wants to intensify collaboration with Vietnam, including Ho Chi Minh City in various areas, especially in cultural exchange.
