A special market named “Green Tet - Vietnamese gifts” is running through January 22 at Phung Khac Khoan street in Da Kao ward, District 1, offering thousands of kinds of farm produce and traditional dishes. Visitors can not only shop for Tet but also relax with entertaining activities such as demonstrations of calligraphy, fruit carving, and making of traditional cakes.
The Binh Dien flower festival, to last until January 24, gathers a great diversity of flowers and ornamental plants. Music shows will be held every night for visitors.
Another flower festival in Phu My Hung urban area will run until January 23, with some of its attractions such as the Spring Road, Spring Wharf and Spring Garden to remain open until January 29 (the fifth day of the Lunar New Year).
A major event in the city is the Spring flower festival at Tao Dan Park, which enters its 40th year this year. The festival will open on January 19 and welcome visitors through January 30. It promises to be a big attraction with a great variety of activities such as dragon dances, art, circus and magic performances, folk games, and demonstrations of calligraphy and tea ceremony.
The traditional Vietnamese New Year this year will fall on January 25.