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Acting Heath Minister urges upholding vigilance against pandemic

The health sector must always be prepared to fight the COVID-19 pandemic as many forecasts said the pandemic could last until the end of next year, acting Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said on October 13.  

At an online conference on COVID-19 prevention with localities nationwide, the acting minister said even when Vietnam has recorded no community transmission of the coronavirus for 41 straight days, the risk of the disease entering the country always remains high.

“Now is an important time for us to put in place necessary measures to fight the pandemic in winter,” he said, urging all localities to review their anti-pandemic scenarios.

Long again stressed the five principles in fighting COVID-19, which are preventing infection, detecting infected cases, quarantining suspected and confirmed infection cases, treating COVID-19 cases, and isolating and stamping out outbreaks. He added that the most important thing now is to prevent the epidemic from entering Vietnam, and next is to detect infections, especially in the context of Vietnam still receiving foreign experts and repatriating citizens from abroad.

At the conference, experts shared experiences and lessons drawn from the fight against COVID-19. Participants also heard reports on the developments of the pandemic and the monitoring process for arrivals from abroad./
