
Northern border defense war through Vietnam Pictorial pages

On February 17, 1979, China launched a large-scale attack on Vietnam’s territory along all the northern border line.
Vietnam Pictorial edition of March 1979 published articles on Vietnamese people’s legitimate war to defend the country.
We turned the old pages of Vietnam Pictorial which show the images of the devastating war and the  fighting of Vietnamese soldiers and people across the northern border.

Such headlines as “When the enemy comes, even the women fight” and “On every piece of beloved land” reflect Vietnamese people’s love for their fatherland and their resilience and courage in the fight to defend the country.


Sustainable Development of Vietnams Marine Economy

Sustainable Development of Vietnam's Marine Economy

Islands and seas are sacred components of the nation's sovereignty and are places for survival and development. With the advantage of having a 3,260km coastline and nearly 3,000 large and small islands, Vietnam has set a goal of becoming a strong maritime nation, rich from the sea, and developing sustainably.
