
Dien Bien Phu victory on Vietnam Pictorial pages

To celebrate the 65th anniversary of Dien Bien Phu victory, Vietnam Pictorial reintroduces its coverage of the historic event and its anniversaries over the past 65 years.  

Vietnam Pictorial reported the meritorious services of generals, officials, soldiers, volunteers and the people of the entire country who bravely fought and sacrificed their lives to create the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu.
The first issue of Vietnam Pictorial published in October 1954

The second issue of Vietnam Pictorial published in December 1954

The May 1969 issue of Vietnam Pictorial

The May 1974 issue of Vietnam Pictorial 

The May 1979 issue of Vietnam Pictorial 

The May 1984 issue of Vietnam Pictorial


Vietnam Pictorial’s coverage of Dien Bien Phu victory over the past 65 years has portrayed Vietnam as a nation with its people who are brave in fighting to defend their fatherland, work hard in building their country, and are peace lovers who wish to be friends of all peoples in the world. 

The May 1994 issue of Vietnam Pictorial

The May 1999 issue of Vietnam Pictorial

The May 2009 issue of Vietnam Pictorial

General Vo Nguyen Giap's autograph on Vietnam Pictorial in 2009.

The May 2014 issue of Vietnam Pictorial


Vietnam Sets New Record for Rice Exports in 2024

Vietnam Sets New Record for Rice Exports in 2024

Vietnam’s rice exports have surged to new heights, with over 9 million tonnes exported, generating a value of 5.7 billion US dollars. These figures represent substantial year-on- year growth, with an 11% increase in volume and a 24% increase in value compared to 2023. 
