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1-bln-VND fines imposed on violators of wildlife protection regulations

Authorities in the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong has approved financial fines worth over 1 billion VND (43,584 USD) imposed on two people for their engagement in illegal wildlife trade and captivity.

Accordingly, Nguyen Thi Hue, 49, was fined 725 million VND for buying six bengal monitors (Varanus bengalensis) and keeping them in captivity.

Meanwhile, 285 million VND were imposed on Pham Thi Truong, 34, for purchasing two bengal monitors, one of them was dead.

Both women, residing in Knong No district’s Dak Nang commune, were determined to violate the Government’s Decree No. 35/2019/ND-CP on sanctioning administrative offences in the forestry sector.

According to the Government’s Decree No. 06/2019/ND-CP on the management of endangered and rare flora and fauna as well as the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), the bengal monitor belongs to Group 1B of wild animals threatened with extinction, whose exploitation and use for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited./.
