The Tradition of Lao Women Blackening Their Teeth

The Tradition of Lao Women Blackening Their Teeth

According to the Lao of Tam Duong District, Lai Chau Province, the tradition of teeth blackening not only enhances a woman's beauty and charm but also carries significant meanings related to good fortune.

Although the Lao community in Tam Duong District is relatively small, they have preserved many of their unique cultural traditions. One such unique custom is the tradition of women blackening their teeth. Teeth blackening is an ancient tradition among the Lao people. A woman with glossy teeth is considered as attractive as one with flowing, lustrous hair. Teeth blackening also serves as a rite of passage, marking a woman's transition into adulthood. A girl with blackened teeth is highly sought after by suitors. Black teeth symbolize a woman's diligence, skill, and perseverance.

A Lao woman re-dyes her teeth black. Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

Lao women traditionally blacken their own teeth. They often go into the forest to cut down a type of tree called "may tuu". This tree is very hard and produces a lot of sap. After bringing the wood home, they peel off the bark, dry it, and carefully store it in the attic. Before dyeing, the teeth must be thoroughly cleaned and whitened. To dye their teeth, they burn a piece of "may tuu" wood until it turns black and collect the ash on a piece of cast iron. Then, they use their index finger to rub the cast iron several times and then rub their teeth until they turn a glossy black color. They repeat this process for about an hour every day for a week.

Each dyeing session will last about two months. To maintain the black color, they will reapply the dye every year. During the dyeing process, they are not allowed to eat hot food or hard foods to preserve the color.

For a more sophisticated look, some women do not dye all their teeth evenly, but instead leave one or two gold teeth as an accent on their upper jaw, creating a unique and beautiful appearance.

Lao and Lu women in Tam Duong still maintain the tradition of blackening their teeth. Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

Many women said that they could forget most things when getting married, but they would never forget the habit and process of teeth blackening. This tradition is a lifelong commitment, not just a temporary practice. Teeth blackening has even become a ritual to assess a woman's qualities. A woman who neglects to blacken her teeth is considered lazy and imperfect in both character and beauty,

The tradition of teeth blackening of Lao and Lu people not only enhances a woman's beauty and charm but also carries significant meanings related to good fortune.


  • Story: Thao Vy Photos: Viet Cuong/VNP Translated by Hong Hanh 

