Folk Art on Wood

Folk Art on Wood

Inspired by modern decor trends, Nguyen Thanh Tung and Vu Minh Trang, a couple of artists, are breathing new life into folk paintings.
Minh Trang has collaborated with her colleagues to create interior paintings with traditional Vietnamese cultural colors. Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

With degrees in architecture, Tung and Trang work in interior design. During their strolls through Hanoi's Old Quarter, they were captivated by the stories embedded in each folk painting. This inspired them to explore the idea of transferring these traditional artworks onto wood, creating pieces that blend tradition and modernity. Thus, their journey began to craft modern interior decor items inspired by Vietnamese folk paintings.

Vu Minh Trang said that the most challenging aspect of creating these wooden folk paintings is preserving the original meanings while enhancing the colors to suit modern living spaces. To create a piece, they select a painting, design it on a computer, and then cut it using a CNC machine. Next, they sketch the outline, add colors, and for those requiring gold leaf, apply it. Finally, they carefully outline the edges and apply a protective coating.

The wooden products come in various sizes, demanding meticulousness, craftsmanship, and patience, as painting on wood requires high-quality brushes. The most time-consuming artwork so far is "The Rat’s Wedding" because of its intricate details. Each element is hand-painted, and outlining the edges requires precision.


Embracing the trend of incorporating traditional folk elements into modern interior decor, Nguyen Thanh Tung and Vu Minh Trang, alongside their collaborators, have created products inspired by Mother Goddess paintings, Dong Ho paintings featuring pigs, hens and a boy holding a carp. Customers primarily use these pieces to adorn their homes and workplaces, with prices ranging from five to seven million dong (approximately 215 to 301 US dollars)./.


Story: Ngan Ha    Photos: Viet Cuong    Translated by Hong Hanh
