Species of Butterflies on Phu Quoc Island

Phu Quoc Island in Kien Giang Province has a total area of 31.422 ha with primitive forests and is surrounded by an immense sea of high biological diversity that has been recognized as a national park in 2001. The Island has a forest coverage rate of 80% and rainfall of 3,000mm/year, creating favourable living conditions for insects, including various species of butterflies.

After three surveys conducted over 30 days by biologist Bui Huu Manh under the sponsorship of the Wildlife At Risk (WAR) in 2007, 170 species of butterflies under five families and four subfamilies were listed. Of these, many species of butterflies are presented on the list set by the world’s scientists during the 1758-1925 period. The surveys also recognized some of new species gradation of Vietnam, particularly the species that help prove the fact that the ecosystem of Phu Quoc Island is separated from that in the Southeast Asian region.

The species of butterflies on Phu Quoc Island is very diverse, such as Papilionidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae, Lycaenidae, Heperiidae, etc. Each butterfly family consists of dozens of species of different sizes and colours.

WAR has recently introduced images of these species of butterflies, helping people further understand the diversified natural world in Phu Quoc National Park and making a contribution to protecting natural resources, sustainable ecological development and being friendly with environment.

WAR now continues conducting activities on research and preservation of new species of butterflies on Phu Quoc Island.

For more information about the species of butterflies on Phu Quoc Island, access the website: www.wildlifeatrisk.org.

                                                                         Story by Vinh Hung

Photos by Nguyen Vu Khoi – Le Duy Son – Bui Huu Manh

