Making news

Yoga festival encourages people to practice

The Winter Yoga Festival kicked off in Hanoi on December 22 with the aim of encouraging people to practice even when it’s cold.

The event, organised by the Vietnam Yoga Federation and Huong Anh Yoga Centre, attracted the participation of 1,000 yogis to perform together at the Hoang Mai District Stadium.

With the theme Yoga and Public Health, the event included master classes and a talk with foreign masters such as Asian Yoga icon Sri Srinivas Suresh Kamal.

“It’s a good chance for me to inspire Vietnamese people in practising yoga,” said Kamal. “When I came to Vietnam, I realised that Vietnamese people love yoga and the number of practitioners is increasing rapidly. Yoga is not only a sport or fitness, it’s the way you enjoy a healthy lifestyle.”

It’s a good way to eliminate pressure and negative emotions, he added.
