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Voters to choose 500 out of 868 candidates for 15th NA

Voters nationwide will choose 500 out of 868 candidates for the 15th National Assembly on May 23.

In accordance with the Law on the Election of Deputies to the National Assembly and People’s Councils, the National Election Council (NEC) announced the official list of candidates during a press conference on April 27.

Throughout a five-step process with three rounds of close, democratic, cautious, and non-discriminatory consultations, the list of candidates for deputies to the 15th NA and all-level People’s Councils for the 2021-2026 tenure has been finalised.

Following the second consultation held by the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee, the NA Standing Committee on March 28 issued a resolution on a second revision of the structure, components, and number of nominees for seats in the 15th legislature.

Of the candidates, who will be elected in 184 constituencies nationwide, 203 are nominated by central agencies and the remainders are introduced by localities. Nine of them are self-nominated candidates.

Female candidates account for 393 (45.28 percent) of the total, while ethnic minority people are 185 (12.31 percent). The number of candidates who are non-Party members is 74 (8.53 percent).

Speaking at a press conference to announce the list of candidates, Bui Van Cuong, NA Secretary General, Chairman of the NA Office and Chief of the  NEC Office, said of the total, 205 candidates are deputies to the 14th legislature, and 224 candidates are under 40 years old. The oldest candidate is 77 years old and the youngest, 24.

Notably, agencies under the NA and the NA Standing Committee and the NA Office have the largest number of candidates, 129; while the Vietnam Fatherland Front and its member organisations have 28 candidates; the Government and its agencies, 15; armed forces, 12; and Party agencies, 11.

Among the 665 candidates nominated by provinces and cities, 348 are women (52.33 percent), 163 belong to ethnic minority groups (24.52 percent), and 70 are non-Party members (10.53 percent).

According to Resolution No 1185/NQ-UBTVQH14, each centrally-run city and province must have at least six deputies, of whom at least three deputies live and work there.

During the lobbying campaign, candidates will attend conferences with voters held by the standing boards of provincial, district, and communal VFF committees.

They were advised to map out and present their own action plans during the campaign.
