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Vietnamese people always stand side by side with Cuba

Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Viet Thao, Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association, on June 23 highlighted the solidarity, special friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, affirming Vietnamese people always stand side by side with Cuba.

The relationship remains a role model one that has become an invaluable legacy of the two Parties, States and peoples, Thao said while co-chairing an exchange programme that was held online and linked to 30 sites in Vietnam and Cuba. The event took place on the day when Cuba submitted a draft resolution against the US blockade to the United Nations.

Vietnamese people have always opposed the unilateral blockade imposed by the US, he said.

Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Gullien, who co-chaired the programme, briefed the participants on losses caused by the US blockade to Cuba in such spheres as health care, education, food, and financial and banking services.

From April 2019 to December 2020, the total loss exceeded 9 billion USD, he said, noting that the blockade has weakened the Caribbean country’s COVID-19 response capacity.

Nguyen Hai Anh, Permanent Vice President of the Vietnam Red Cross Society, said he and those who love Cuba always back Cuban people’s struggle for justice in an effort to remove the embargo.

On this occasion, the Vietnam-Cuba Friendship Association extended a message of solidarity with Cuban people, saying Vietnamese people always stand side by side with the people of Cuba, and strongly support resolutions of the UN General Assembly asking the US to immediately lift the blockade so that Cuba would grow further and integrate into the world’s economy and trade equally.

This is the wish of not only Cubans but also Vietnamese, and progressive and peace-loving people, including Americans, the message read.  

Vietnam will maintain solidarity and stand side by side with Cuba until the wish comes true, it said.

In the message, the Vietnamese side also called for the support of Americans and acts by the US government to put an end to the blockade and restart the normalisation of relations with Cuba, for peace and development in the region and the world at large./.
