Making news

Vietnamese Party delegation visits Cambodia

A Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) delegation led by Politburo member and permanent member of the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat Vo Van Thuong is on a visit to Cambodia from October 17-19.
The visit is made at the invitation of Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) Vice President and President of the Senate of Cambodia Say Chhum.

Meeting with King Norodom Sihamoni on October 17, Thuong congratulated Cambodia on its great and comprehensive achievements and expressed his belief that Cambodians will reap more attainments in national construction and development in the time ahead.

Vietnam always attaches importance and gives the top priority to its relationship with Cambodia, he said, expressed thanks for the wholehearted, valuable and effective support that late King Norodom Sihanouk and King Norodom Sihamoni have given to Vietnam.

For his part, King Norodom Sihamoni laid emphasis on the fine neighbourliness, friendship and mutual support between Vietnam and Cambodia, and noted with pleasure efforts by the two countries’ leaders to consolidate and enhance the bilateral cooperation, for interests of their people, and for peace, stability and cooperation in the region and the world.

The King also congratulated Vietnam on its achievements, especially in COVID-19 prevention and control, post-pandemic socio-economic recovery and development, and its rising position in the international arena.

He thanked Vietnam for its assistance to Cambodia in escaping from the genocidal regime in the past, and in the present cause of national development.

The same day, Thuong held talks with Say Chhum, during which they agreed on orientations for cooperation between the two Parties, saying high-level meetings hold great significance.

The two sides will coordinate cooperation mechanisms between the two Parties and States, and their localities, especially those sharing the border line.

They also emphasised the importance of the relations between Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia and their Parties, and consented to effectively implement the reached contents to enhance their trust.  

Thuong and Say Chhum shared the view that Vietnam and Cambodia need to create breakthroughs in economic, socio-cultural, and scientific-technological cooperation, improve the efficiency of collaboration in trade and investment, and promote connectivity between the two economies, particularly in transportation, telecom, energy, finance, banking, agriculture and tourism.

The two countries will also strengthen cooperation in national defence, security and diplomacy, coordinate to ensure border security, and continue to support each other at multilateral forums.

They will maintain and work to improve the efficiency of cooperation between Party commissions, ministries, State agencies, people’s organisations and localities.

At the end of the talks, the officials signed an agreement on delegation exchange between the CPV and the CPP for 2022-2024./.
