Making news

Vietnamese expats join Czech Republic’s efforts to fight COVID-19

Vietnamese expatriates in Ustí nad Labem - Ústecký kraj, the Czech Republic, have present gifts worth nearly 200,000 CZK (over 9,000 USD) to medical workers in Chomutov and Kadaň cities.

The gifts included confectionery, coffee, water and shopping vouchers, among others.

Vice President of the Vietnamese People Chapter in Chomutov city Pham The Quang said that the move aims to express gratitude to medical workers, who have directly confronted risks of COVID-19 infection to aid patients and help to prevent the spread of the pandemic over the past year.

Particularly, they have worked relentlessly to care for the patients, including Vietnamese citizens, he added.

The Vietnamese community has been commended for their contributions to the host nation. At the outset of 2020, the community donated more than 252,000 CZK to support people with disabilities, and upgrade the fire-fighting system at sponsorship centres for people with disabilities in Chomutov, following a fire at a sponsorship centre that killed eight people and injured 30 others.

The community has also joined hands with local authorities to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic through sewing face masks and providing food for frontline workers. Besides, it mobilised some 300,000 CZK to buy ventilators for Maysaryk hospital./.
