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Vietnam, Venezuela tighten traditional friendship, solidarity

Vietnam and Venezuela need to strengthen people-to-people exchange and further tighten traditional friendship and solidarity between the two countries in the coming time, said President of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) Nguyen Phuong Nga.

During a meeting with visiting First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) Diosdado Cabello in Hanoi on September 30, Nga appreciated Venezuelan people’s support for Vietnamese people during the struggle for national independence in the past and in national construction and development at present.

She said that the two sides should enhance international solidarity.

For his part, Cabello said he hopes for more opportunities to strengthen cooperation between the two peoples in the future.

He affirmed that he will do his best to further promote cooperation between the two Parties, States and people through the exchange of high-ranking delegations and people-to-people diplomatic activities.

Vietnam and Venezuela established diplomatic relations on December 18, 1989, which was upgraded to a comprehensive partnership in 2007./
