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Vietnam Travel & Tourism Summit 2019 opens in Hanoi

The Vietnam Travel & Tourism Summit 2019 opened in Hanoi on December 9 with four symposiums taking place in the morning to discuss bottlenecks of Vietnam’s tourism.

Revitalising national tourism promotion to inspire more foreigners to visit Vietnam was the theme of a symposium, during which participants contributed their ideas to improve the nation’s tourism messages and the operation of tourism offices abroad.

One of the proposals at the symposium was the early launch of the tourism development support fund. Other opinions dealt with how to address existing problems such as overcharging tourists, food safety and safety for visitors.

Another symposium looked at how to improve tourists’ experience in preparing and planning Vietnam visits, considering the fact that many visitors face difficulties in using Vietnamese online tourism services, such as real products not matching advertisement and a lack of direct consultancy. 

Meanwhile, increasing tourism products, improving infrastructure, ensuring safe environment, enhancing human resource quality and applying information technology were the key issues discussed at the third symposium titled Improving tourists’ destination experience in Vietnam.

According to statistics of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism under the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism, the number of foreign visitors to Vietnam has been growing at two-digit rate, but the return rate was low at somewhere between 10-40 percent. International visitors’ spending in the country averaged only 900 USD, partly due to a lack of diverse products and services. 

Experts from an EU project proposed piloting an index to rate the competitiveness of destinations in Vietnam. 

The fourth symposium focused on the development of aviation to serve tourism development.

The Vietnam Travel & Tourism Summit 2019 was jointly held by the government’s Advisory Council for Administrative Procedure Reform, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Board (TAB), the Vietnam Tourism Association and VnExpress online newspaper./
