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Vietnam lauds efforts in realising Women, Peace and Security Agenda

Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese Permanent Mission to the UN, has lauded the efforts made by countries, the UN and regional and international organisations inrealising the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

Addressing a UN Security Council debate on Women, Peace and Security in New York on October 29, the ambassador held that the political will of UN member countries to meet specific commitments and actions is crucial to successfully realising the agenda.

He also highlighted the significance of support from the UN and international organisations in the field through the sharing of information and experience in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

The diplomat underlined the engagement of women in all stages of peace processes, especially in post-dispute recovery.

He also shared Vietnam’s experience in strengthening women’s involvement in national reconstruction and development after the country resumed independence and unification.

Addressing the discussion, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres highlighted the leadership role of women in peace processes, especially in Yemen, Guinea-Bisau and Syria.

However, he pointed to challenges facing women in armed conflicts as well as the low ratio of female leaders in peacekeeping activities, citing only 4.2 percent of members of UN peacekeeping missions are women.

In 2018, although the ratio of women participating in parliaments increased to 24.3 percent on average, the ratio in countries suffering conflicts or post-conflict impacts is only 19 percent.

The UN chief also called on all countries to focus on realising their commitments to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.

At the open discussion, members of the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2492, which calls on countries and the international community to make commitments for implementing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda as well as priorities to ensure and promote the full, equal and meaningful engagement of women in peace processes.
