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Vesak celebration participants visit Ninh Binh province

The northern province of Ninh Binh on May 14 welcomed nearly 130 delegates of the UN Day of Vesak 2019 after the event had wrapped up in nearby Ha Nam province the same day.

They toured the Trang An Landscape Complex – the world’s mixed cultural and natural heritage – and Bai Dinh Pagoda in Ninh Binh.

Most of the delegates expressed their delight at the success of the UN Day of Vesak celebrations.

Chanaka Kumanayaka, a delegate from Sri Lanka, said he was impressed with the professional organisation of the event, which attracted more than 3,000 participants from 113 countries and territories. He also highlighted the warm, friendly, and thoughtful welcome of the organising board.

He added he was wowed by the beauty of Vietnam as well as Tam Chuc Pagoda of Ha Nam and Bai Dinh Pagoda of Ninh Binh, wishing to return to the country sometime in the future.

Carlo Luyckx, President of the Buddhist Association of Belgium, thanked the Vietnamese Government and people for assisting visiting delegates and ensuring they had a great experience.

He said the event was also an occasion for participants to visit Buddhist temples and beautiful natural landscapes of Vietnam.

The welcoming of the Vesak commemoration participants was considered an important activity of Ninh Binh to help introduce local tourist destinations to foreigners.

The UN Day of Vesak 2019 celebration was held at the Tam Chuc Buddhist Cultural Complex in Ha Nam province from May 12 to 14, running under the theme of “Buddhist Approach to Global Leadership and Shared Responsibilities for Sustainable Societies”.

The UN’s commemoration of Vesak has been held three times in Vietnam so far. Previously, it took place in Hanoi in 2008 and Ninh Binh province in 2014.

The UN General Assembly on December 15, 1999 recognised the Day of Vesak to celebrate the thrice-sacred event of the life of the Buddha Gautama (birth, enlightenment, and death) and to acknowledge the contributions that Buddhism, one of the oldest religions in the world, has made to humanity.

The UN Day of Vesak was first celebrated in 2001.
