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US-DPRK Summit: RoK scholars upbeat about second DPRK-USA summit

Several scholars from the Republic of Korea have voiced their optimism about the outcomes of the second summit between the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the US slated to take place in Hanoi, Vietnam on February 27-28.
Photo: AFP/VNA

Prof. Dr Lee Woong-Hyeon from the Korea University’s Division of International Studies told Vietnam News Agency’s correspondent in Seoul that he is very bullish on the upcoming meeting between DPRK leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump.

Although they may not address all of the differences, they will probably reach agreement on some issues, he said, adding that at least the DPRK would give a specific timeline for denuclearisation, and the US will remove part of the economic sanction against the DPRK.

Also, Lee forecast that the two sides will issue a political statement on ending the 1950-1953 Korean War at the summit, though such a document would not be legally binding.

In their first meeting in Singapore last year, the DPRK agreed to work towards the complete denuclearisation in exchange for security assurance from the US. Both sides committed to establishing new relations and together building lasting and stable peace on the Korean peninsula.

However, Lee described this as a vague announcement, and there has been no significant progress since then.

Specific measures to carry out their Singapore joint statement will be on the table at the Hanoi meeting, for example, the closure of Yongbyon Nuclear Complex, he said, expressing his hope that both leaders will present specific ideas and be wise to handle this issue.

Dr. Tae Ik-chung, former national security advisor to the Republic of Korea President shared the same viewpoints with Lee. He said that big consequences are ahead if both sides cannot reach any specific agreement.

Kim and Trump will have their second meeting in a couple of days. The event is expected to pave the way for relaxing sanctions against the DPRK, thus, developing the relations between the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, and maintaining peace on the Korean peninsula as well as in the world.
