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US-DPRK Summit 2019: US drops demand for full accounting of DPRK nukes

US negotiators are no longer demanding the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) agree to disclose a full accounting of its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes as part of the second summit between US President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un, NBC News quoted incumbent and former US officials as saying.
The decision, for now, is considered a significant component of a potential nuclear deal.

Negotiations between US and DPRK officials on the threshold of Trump-Kim talks on February 27-28 focused heavily on a core component of Pyongyang’s nuclear programme, especially the Yongbyon nuclear reactor.

Prof. Siegfried Hecker, a nuclear scientist who has visited the Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Centre several times to assess the country’s capabilities, said dismantling elements of the facility would be the most important step that the DPRK could take towards denuclearisation, NBC News said.

The US’s White House did not have any comment on the information.-
