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US-DPRK Summit 2019: UN Secretary General hopes for concrete denuclearization steps

Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres on February 25 said he hopes the DPRK-USA Hanoi Summit Vietnam, slated for February 27 and 28, will reach an agreement on the concrete steps for peace and stability, as well as the complete and verifiable denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

Speaking at a conference on disarmament at the UN headquarters in Geneva, also expressed his hope that the summit will reach visible progress in eliminating nuclear weapons on the peninsula.

Also at the conference, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Korea (RoK) Kang Kyung-wha said she hopes for clear outcomes from the summit. The RoK hopes the summit will reach an important outcome on the denuclearisation as well as corresponding measures from the US side.

The RoK diplomat also affirmed that the complete denuclearisation will require further concrete steps.
