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Traffic accidents kill 15, injure 23 on third day of lunar new year

As many as 28 road traffic accidents occurred on February 14, or the third day of the lunar new year, killing 15 people and wounding 23 others, according to the Ministry of Public Security’s Department of Traffic Police.

The number of accidents decreased by five against the same day last year, while those of fatalities and injured dropped by four and 20, respectively.

On the day, traffic police nationwide handled 1,879 cases of violation of traffic law, most of them drunk driving, imposing fines of nearly 2.19 billion VND (95,285 USD). More than 295 driving licences were revoked.

There were 17 violations reported on waterways.  

The 2021 Lunar New Year holiday, also called Tet – the biggest traditional festival of Vietnamese people, lasts seven days from February 10 to 16./.
