In love with Vietnam

Technology CEO connects Vietnam and France

Céline Charpiot has been working as a bridge between the homelands of her father and her mother - France and Vietnam, through cooperation projects on the digital economy and open-source software.
Technology is a bridge to help Charpiot open diplomatic relations between the two countries, in which she has had many opportunities to work and contribute to Vietnam - her mother's homeland.

Linagora Vietnam employs more than 200 Vietnamese technicians and has contributed up to 43,000 initiatives to Vietnam regarding digital innovation while providing open-source solutions for 1,418 clients.
With 20 years of experience in the field of open-source technology in France, Céline Charpiot is now a board member of French Tech Vietnam and president of Bond’Innov, and CEO of Linagora Vietnam in Hanoi. Charpiot is a member of the Hanoi Sustainable City Living Lab, a project to promote France and Vietnam’s strategic partnership with startups, solution providers, and “Made in Vietnam” sustainable city research centers designed exclusively for the ASEAN market.

She is also the founder of the French-based OpenHackademy Academy which has a branch in Vietnam that offers many open-source technology training courses designed for anyone.

Charpiot regularly travels between France and Vietnam to run OpenHackademy and Linagora Vietnam which have trained many good open-source engineers in Vietnam. She has been active in developing a strategic partnership between France and Vietnam in technology innovation.

Céline Charpiot is now a board member of French Tech Vietnam
and president of Bond’Innov, and CEO of Linagora Vietnam in Hanoi. Photo: Viet Cuong

Listening to new ideas from teams of open source technology engineers at Linagora Vietnam. Photo: Viet Cuong 

Talking about open source leadership with Vietnamese experts at a seminar. Photo: Viet Cuong 

Céline Charpiot with Vietnamese open source experts in Paris. Photo: Files

The CEO of Linagora Vietnam, attended a seminar on
the topic “Building an Asia-Europe Bridge”, at the Hanoi Innovation Summit 2019. Photo: Files

Céline Charpiot attends a skill training course for the staff of Linagora Vietnam. Photo: Viet Cuong 

Céline Charpiot with international CEOs in the technology industry. Photo: Files 

Céline Charpiot talks about training open source engineers in Vietnam. Photo: Files 

Céline Charpiot attends the International Conference on Technology in Shanghai, China. Photo: Files 

As a speaker at the workshop "Leadership and Management in the Age of Digital Transformation", Charpiot presented the role of leadership in open-source projects. The model she shared is actually how Linagora Vietnam works; the leader has the power to control the project, the staff is the implementation tool and the customer is the challenge partner. The topic by Charpiot is also a strategic area that Vietnam is implementing in training open-source leaders.

Céline Charpiot and her coworkers at Linagora Vietnam have participated in various technology programs providing career guidance and counseling for students, as well as creating a place for young Vietnamese engineers to fulfill new ideas.

According to Charpiot, the main task of an open-source software company is to bring digital independence to its customers.

Story: Bich Van - Photos: Viet Cuong & Files
