Making news

Sleepless beaches awaken night time economy

Boasting a coastline of over 3000km and stunning beaches, Vietnam has the potential to develop its night time economy.

Yet many coastal cities are lacking proper investment in services, shopping and entertainment to attract and increase tourists’ spending. Realizing the gap, the central city of Da Nang is pioneering the “Sleepless beach” initiative with a variety of activities for tourists to boost night-time economic development.

The city will also begin to pilot a cluster of restaurant services, shopping malls, bars, pubs, cafes ... operating until 2am in the riverside and coastal areas. At the same time, there are mechanisms and policies to develop the night time economy, encouraging overnight services.

However, many opinions suggest that Da Nang needs to be careful and make clear plans, as well as calculate options to ensure security, order and safety for tourists.

With the advantages of nature and infrastructure, Da Nang still has plenty of rooms to prove its nightlife appeal. And the formation of "sleepless beaches" with careful planning is expected to help the central tourism city to awaken its night time economic potential.
