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Severe heatwave hits north, central regions

Northern and north-central provinces are sizzling in a severe hot wave, with temperatures ranging from 37-40 degrees Celsius and even over 40 degrees C in some places, announced the National Centre for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting.

The extreme weather, which will cause the temperatures to stay at above 35 degrees C from 10 to 19 hours per day, will come along with low humidity of between 40 and 60 percent.

Medical experts warn of dehydration, exhaustion, and heat stroke as the human body is exposed to high temperatures for a long time.

Hanoi capital city will experience an extremely hot day, with the lowest temperatures being 29 – 31 degrees and highest 39 – 40 degrees. There will be places where the temperatures will exceed 40 degrees.

Demand for electricity is likely to increase during the day. Vietnam Electricity (EVN) has advised agencies, production establishments and households to use electricity safely, economically and effectively.

The country is projected to face more widespread heatwaves this month./.
