Making news

Second working day of 13th Party Central Committee’s third plenum

The 13th Party Central Committee on July 6 looked into the implementation of the medium-term plans for socio-economic development, national finance, and public investment in the 2016 - 2020 period, along with draft plans for 2021 – 2025 during the second working of its third plenum. 

After the plenary session in the morning, delegates discussed in groups draft working regulations of the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Party Central Committee’s Secretariat and the Party Central Committee's Inspection Commission in the 13th tenure.

Later, under the chair of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, the Party Central Committee considered disciplinary measures against two incumbent and former members of the Party Central Committee.

The Party Central Committee decided to expel Vu Huy Hoang, former member of the Party Central Committee, from the Party.

Tran Van Nam, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of southern Binh Duong province and head of the provincial delegation of deputies to the 14th National Assembly, was also removed from all his Party posts during the 2010 - 2015, 2015 - 2020 and 2020 – 2025 terms./.
