Making news

Potential remains of US serviceman missing in action handed over

The Vietnam Office for Seeking Missing Persons (VNOSMP) on September 16 handed over a set of remains possibly belonging to a US serviceman who went missing during the war in Vietnam.

The handover ceremony, held at the US Missing in Action (MIA) Office in Hanoi, was attended by US Ambassador to Vietnam Marc E. Knapper, some members of the US Embassy, and representatives of the MIA Office.

The remains were found during the 148th joint search held in August and September this year.

After an examination in Hanoi, the two countries’ forensic specialists concluded that the remains could be linked to a US serviceman who went missing during the war in Vietnam, and proposed the remains be sent to Haiwaii for further examination.

Joint searches for US servicemen missing in action in Vietnam are a humanitarian activity conducted between the countries’ governments. This was the 159th handover since 1973./.
