Making news

Photo exhibition on female athletes underway to welcome SEA Games 31

A photo exhibition on well-known Vietnamese female athletes is underway at Hanoi’s Vietnamese Women’s Museum to welcome the ongoing 31st Southeast Asian Games.

The exhibition, called “Khat vong toa sang” (Aspiration to shine), aims to encourage and enthuse Vietnamese female athletes to achieve more victories for the country.

On display are 60 photos of various athletes, many of whom are with disabilities, telling stories of these women and their struggles as professionals.

The photos are divided in three sections - “On the top of glory,” “After the glory,” and “The special moments”. 

The first depicts the athletes’ blood, sweat and tears to sharpen their skills and competencies before success comes; the second tells how these women had to sacrifice, even their own personal life, to bring glory to the motherland; and the third features their simple but full of happiness moments when they return home and reunite with their families after days of intensive training and tough competitions. 

The event will run through May 25./.
