
National Assembly Chairwoman Wraps up Her First Visit Abroad

On October 1, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and her entourage returned to Hanoi, successfully wrapping up her official visits to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar and her attendance of the 37th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA 37) in Nay Pyi Taw.
During the visit to Myanmar, the top legislator attended AIPA 37 in Nay Pyi Taw, contributing to upholding the role and position of Vietnam and its legislature at multilateral forums, and promoting regional links and cooperation within the AIPA. In her speech at the event, the Vietnamese National Assembly leader reaffirmed Vietnam’s active, proactive and responsible engagement in regional and global issues; contributing to shaping and renewing AIPA’s activities, for a vibrant AIPA and a progressive ASEAN.

During her six day trip, the she had over 30 activities which contributed to further tightening relations between the Vietnamese National Assembly and legislative bodies of the three Southeast Asian countries. It is her first trip abroad as head of the Vietnamese National Assembly.

 Lao National Assembly Chairwoman  counterpart Pany Yathotou receives
her Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan
has talks with her Lao counterpart Pany Yathotou. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and her Lao counterpart Pany Yathotou
co-chaired a workshop on “Public debt management experience”. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA

In Laos, National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan met with Lao Party General Secretary and President Bounnhang Volachith, Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith, and Chairman of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) Saysomphone Phomvihane. She and her Lao counterpart Pany Yathotou co-chaired a workshop on “Public debt management experience”, which showed the role and responsibility of the Vietnamese and Lao legislative bodies for the two nation’s important issues in economic management. It is also a vivid demonstration of the effective cooperation between the two countries’ Governments and National Assemblies.

In Cambodia, Chairwoman Ngan met King Norodom Sihamoni who thanked Vietnam for its great and valuable support in the past and at present. She also had talks with Chairman of the Cambodian National Assembly A Heng Samrin and President of the Senate of Cambodia Samdech Say Chhum. During their talks, the leaders emphasized the need to continue consolidating and developing the solidarity and relationship between the two countries in the context of  increasingly complicated happenings in the region and the world. The Vietnamese side affirmed its consistant policy on attaching much importance to and giving top priority to  reinforce and strengthen the fine neighbour, traditional friendship and long-term comprehensive cooperation with Cambodia. Related to land border demarcation and marker planting between the two nations, the leaders hoped  the two sides would settle the remaining issues to build a border line of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan pays an official visit to  Cambodia. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan has talks
with Chairman of the Cambodian National Assembly A Heng Samrin. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA

In Myanmar, the Vietnamese legislative leader had meetings with President of Myanmar Htin Kyaw, Speaker of Myanmar’s Assembly of the Union and upper house Mann Win Khaing Than and Speaker of Myanmar’s lower house Win Myint. Myanmar’s leaders spoke highly of Vietnam’s achievements in socio-economic development during its Doi Moi (Renewal) process, saying that Myanmar will consider revising its legal policies to attract more foreign investors, including those from Vietnam.

Vietnamese National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan talks with
Speaker of Myanmar’s Assembly of the Union and upper house Mann Win Khaing Than. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA
National Assembly Chairwomen Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan attends the Executive Committee Meeting of AIPA-37. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA

Panoramic view of the Executive Committee Meeting of AIPA-37. Photo: Trong Duc/VNA
