Making news

Memorial house for Vietnamese volunteer soldiers launched in Cambodia

A 600-sqm memorial house where remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers dying in battle in Cambodia will be kept was inaugurated in the north-western province of Battambang on September 10.

Starting two months ago, the facility's construction was funded by Metfone, the Cambodia-based affiliate of military-run telecom group Viettel, and MB Bank in Cambodia.

It forms part of activities to commemorate the 55th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations.

The project’s launching ceremony was attended by Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang and General Ek Som Oun, deputy commander of the Cambodian Royal Army and Commander of the Military Region 5.

Ambassador Tang expressed his thanks to Cambodian authorities and people for providing all possible conditions for the construction of the memorial house, a worship place to pay tribute to Vietnamese volunteer soldiers killed in Cambodia.

He expected the Cambodian side to continue supporting Vietnam in searching for and repatriating the soldiers.

General Ek Som Oun, for his part, showed his gratitude towards the Vietnamese Party, military and people for helping Cambodia topple the Pol Pot genocidal regime and revive the country./.           
Phạm Lê Khánh Ly
