In love with Vietnam

Japanese Coordinator Helps Economic Empowerment for Ethnic youth

Haruna Ishimaru, a Japanese woman, has worked as the project coordinator for the Plan  International's "Promoting economic empowerment for ethnic Minority Youth in ha Giang and Lai Chau" initiative. Her work involves regular travel to remote areas within these provinces, where she directly supports the economic development of ethnic minority youth.

Haruna Ishimaru, a Japanese woman, has worked as the project coordinator for the Plan  International's "Promoting economic empowerment for ethnic Minority Youth in ha Giang and Lai Chau" initiative. Her work involves regular travel to remote areas within these provinces, where she directly supports the economic development of ethnic minority youth.
Haruna Ishimaru has helped ethnic minority youth in Ha Giang and Lai Chau provinces change their perception of utilizing local strengths to improve their family economies.

Haruna, along with local project staff, has focused on training ethnic minority youth in sustainable and positive farming and livestock raising techniques to boost their confidence. Additionally, she and her colleagues have provided training in computer skills and product advertising at community centers to support local producers. Furthermore, she has organized soft skills training sessions to help women understand that increasing family income is not solely the responsibility of men and that women can also contribute significantly.

After two years of working in Vietnam, Haruna Ishimaru has new friends who have helped her deepen her understanding of Vietnamese culture and its people.

Haruna arrived in Ha Giang in 2022. Like many foreigners starting work in Vietnam, she was initially very anxious due to language barriers, especially since this was her first project as a coordinator, requiring extensive communication with many people. The remote project locations, unlike urban areas, posed significant challenges in terms of travel. However, with the help and warm support of her colleagues in the project areas, Haruna Ishimaru adapted quickly.

"I once met a girl named Mai. When I first met her, communication was difficult not only because of the language barrier but also because she was shy and embarrassed, not even smiling once during our conversation. Six months later, when I met her again, she had completely changed, smiling  onfidently and answering all my questions in Vietnamese. Mai said that participating in the project's training sessions gave her confidence," Haruna Ishimaru recalled.


Haruna Ishimaru actively engages in community activities to deepen her understanding of the culture and people in Ha Giang and Lai Chau provinces, where projects are being done. 

After two years of implementing the project, Haruna Ishimaru and her team have directly supported 3,120 youth aged 15-30 in Ha Giang and Lai Chau provinces and helped 2,995 youth increase their family income by 10% annually.

"I think the biggest achievement of this project is that young people now have more opportunities to speak with local authorities about how to improve policies so that they can also benefit. This has made the youth in Ha Giang and Lai Chau realize that they have the potential to create change with the resources available in their communities. This is the truly meaningful result that I have contributed to through this project," Haruna Ishimaru said.

Ha Giang and Lai Chau are known for diverse ethnic communities and challenging terrains, making Haruna's efforts crucial in fostering economic opportunities and sustainable development in these regions. Through her work, she addresses the unique needs and challenges faced by ethnic minority youth, helping them build better futures and contribute positively to their communities.

By facilitating access to resources, training, and support, Haruna plays a vital role in empowering young people in these provinces, promoting their economic independence and improving their quality of life. Her commitment exemplifies the impactful work of Plan International in advancing social and economic equity for marginalized groups.

Story: Ngan Ha Photos: Viet Cuong/VNP & Files Translated by Nguyen Tuoi

