The conference called "Adapting to new regulations on food safety,
registering export enterprises into the Chinese market” was held both online and in-person.
The conference aimed to help businesses and exporters of agricultural products and food products
to the Chinese market get the latest information and regulations on food safety, and register their export enterprises to China.
Le Thanh Hoa, director of the SPS Vietnam Office speaks at the conference.
Nguyen Ngoc Son, Deputy Director of Hanoi Department of Agriculture
and Rural Development delivers a welcoming speech.
Experts from the SPS Vietnam Office provide market information.
Export enterprises are provided with a lot of useful information at the conference.
Experts answer questions and give recommendations.
New regulations on food safety and registration of enterprises to export
to the Chinese market have been given to many businesses in Hanoi and other provinces and cities.
Stalls displaying agricultural products in the conference area.