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Hanoi step up communications on coronavirus outbreak

 All sectors, communes and wards in the capital city of Hanoi must promote communication work to raise awareness of local people and visitors of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak, in a move to prevent the novel virus’ spread.

Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Duc Chung made the order at a teleconference on February 26.

He stressed competent authorities should be well informed of any cases with fever, cough and shortness of breath to have rational response measures.

Given the complicated development of the outbreak in the Republic of Korea (RoK) and Japan, as well as high-risk of COVID-19 infection in Hanoi, Chung said the city will decide the exact date of school resumption in the end of this week.

According to Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Ngo Van Quy, returnees who made entries or travelled to coronavirus-hit areas in the RoK will be sent to quarantine sites, while home-quarantine are applied for those coming from affected localities for less than 14 days.

The municipal Department of Health reported that as of 18:00 on February 26, 84 suspected cases tested negative for the virus.  Among 2,170 people traveling from coronavirus-stricken areas, 329 were still under close health observation, including 26 from the RoK.

The health department and the municipal Military High Command have proposed the municipal People’s Committee establish two acute respiratory disease hospitals which are able to receive 3,000 patients.
