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Government firm with goals of macroeconomic stability, inflation control

The Government has affirmed its resolve to pursue the goal of macro-economic stability and inflation control while focusing efforts on addressing existing shortcomings and limitations in a resolution adopted at its regular meeting for May.

In order to fulfil all targets set in the plans for 2019, the Government required ministries, sectors and localities to take proactive and flexible measures to respond to developments in the international and domestic situations, and regularly inspect the implementation of tasks and solutions set by the Party, National Assembly and Government.

Specifically, ministries, agencies and local administrations should push ahead with restructuring the economy and sectors and fields under their management, effectively implementing tasks and measures specified in the Government’s Resolutions 01/NQ-CP and 02/NQ-CP dated January 1, 2019 and the Prime Minister’s Directive 09/CT-TTg dated April 1, 2019.

They are also asked to continue drastically streamlining administrative procedures and redundant business conditions and further improve the business and investment environment.

At the same time, ministries, agencies and localities should also look for new driving forces for growth in the domains under their management, pilot new development models and multiply tested effective models.

The Government urged the State Bank to continue keeping a close watch of the world financial and monetary markets and make forecast on possible impacts on Vietnam, while utilizing monetary policy tools in a proactive and flexible manner to counter outside impacts.

The Ministry of Planning and Investment is told to urgently complete a strategy to attract new-generation FDI, with attention paid to solutions to enhance connectivity and technology transfer between FDI enterprises and their domestic counterparts. The ministry is also required to submit to the Prime Minister the plan on equitisation of State-owned enterprises nationwide in 2019-2020 before June 15.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade is tasked with devising solutions and scenarios to cope with impacts of trade disputes and the trend of trade protectionism, and to make full use of opportunities brought about by signed free trade agreements, particularly the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), while pushing the ratification of the EU-Vietnam FTA.

The resolution of the Government’s May meeting also specified tasks for relevant ministries and agencies in dealing with the African swine fever and the organisation of the senior high school examination.

The Government’s regular meeting for May took place on May 31.
