Enjoying the Chu Dong Tu Festival

The Chu Dong Tu Festival, also known as the “Love” Festival, is annually held  on February 10-12 of the lunar calendar by nine villages in two districts of Khoai Chau and Van Giang, Hung Yen Province. The festival honours the legendary immortal love of Chu Dong Tu - Tien Dung.
The festival often starts with a palanquin procession of Saint Chu Dong Tu from Phu Trach Village (Me So Commune, Van Giang District) to the main temple of Da Hoa. Leading the procession is a 20m-long dragon which performs to drum beats. The dragon is controlled by 30 strong young men and followed by two  lines of women in colourful costumes who perform  Sinh tien and Non (leaf hat) dances. The procession also consists of a team carrying musical instruments, flags, drums, gongs, swords and ornaments.

The procession goes about 4km through eight other villages which has its own palanquin carrying team to participate in the great procession so the exciting festive atmosphere prevails over the whole area.

When the procession arrives at Da Hoa Temple, the rite of fetching water from the Red River to offer the Saint is solemnly held. According to elder Nguyen Thi Hanh, 90 years old, in Me So Commune, the locals in 9 villages have practiced the rite for years with the aim of praying for good weather and bumper crops. They often select a righteous and prestigious elder in the region to perform the ceremony.

The Chu Dong Tu Festival is one of the unique festivals in the early part of the year
of Red River delta’s residents. Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

Students perform a Sinh tien dance in the palanquin procession of Saint Chu Dong Tu.
Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

The jubilant atmosphere on the 4km long road of palanquin procession through eight villages.
Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

The residents perform several folk dances
during the palanquin procession of Saint Chu Dong Tu. Viet Cuong/VNP

The Saint’s palanquin is carried to Da Hoa Temple. Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

The palanquin carrying teams of all 9 villages are present at Da Hoa Temple. Photo: Viet Cuong/VNP

The festival reflects the life of ancient Vietnamese in the northern delta during their reclamation of the Red River basin thousands of years ago. It also praises the love of a couple in a legendary story, filial piety and human behavior, showing the old traditions of the Vietnamese. 
According to Vietnamese folk culture, there is a story about the romantic love between Chu Dong Tu, a poor man, with Princess Tien Dung, the daughter of the 18th King Hung (300 - 200 BC). Chu Dong Tu was credited with treating poor patients so he was honoured with sainthood and is one of “the Four Immortals” of the Vietnamese. At present, there are hundreds of temples built along the Red River dedicated to Saint Chu Dong Tu. However, Da Hoa Temple in Binh Minh Commune, Khoai Chau District, Hung Yen Province is the main one. 

Story: Thong Thien - Photos: Viet Cuong
