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CPV chief meets with Russian Prime Minister

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong met with Russian Prime Minister and Chairman of the United Russia party Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow on September 5.

PM Medvedev emphasized that the CPV leader’s visit to Russia at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin is a vivid demonstration of the long-standing friendship between the two countries, and also an opportunity for the two sides to deepen their comprehensive strategic partnership and take their ties to a new period of development.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong congratulated Russia for maintaining political stability, economic recovery and ensuring social security despite many difficulties in recent years, especially its successfully hosting of the 2018 World Cup. He affirmed that the Party, State and people of Vietnam consistently attach importance to developing the traditional friendship and comprehensive strategic partnership with Russia.

The two leaders spoke highly of the quality and dynamism in bilateral cooperation in a wide range of fields, from politics, diplomacy, economics, security and national defence to culture, health care, science-technology, education-training and law-justice as well as between their localities.
The two sides agreed to instruct their ministries and sectors to coordinate closely to continue optimize cooperative mechanisms in key fields, with attention paid to inspecting and supervising the implementation of high-level agreements, government treaties and protocols, commitments between ministries and sectors, and cooperative projects, thus constantly enhancing the quality of the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

The leaders emphasized that economic cooperation always plays an important role in bilateral ties, and agreed to promote stronger development of economic, trade and investment ties on a par with political and cultural relations as well as the great potential of both sides.

They reached consensus on taking more measures to facilitate the implementation of the Vietnam-Eurasia free trade agreement.

PM Medvedev affirmed that the Russian government will work for the effective implementation of investment projects in each other’s territories, especially those in the fields of energy, oil and gas, transport, telecommunication, agriculture and fisheries, including seeking a flexible method of payment.

General Secretary Trong thanks Russian agencies for creating favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in Russia to have a stable life, contributing to the time-honoured friendship between the two nations.               

PM Medvedev informed his guest that the Russian government is drafting a treaty on organized labour and movement of citizens of the two countries, thus facilitating people-to-people exchange and stimulating tourism.

The two sides noted with satisfaction the constant development of the relationship between the CPV and the United Russia, thus helping consolidating the foundation of the friendship, cooperation and political trust between the two parties, governments and people of the two countries.

They agreed to increase the exchange of delegation and mutual consultation through the party channel on important issues of mutual concern, thus contributing to the development of the Vietnam-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership.

General Secretary Trong took the occasion to invite PM Medvedev to visit Vietnam again, and leaders of the United Russia to visit Vietnam. PM Medvedev accepted the invitation with pleasure.
