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Ceremony marks 45th anniversary of Vietnam’s UN membership

Ceremony marks 45th anniversary of Vietnam’s UN membership


President Nguyen Xuan Phuc and United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres co-chaired a ceremony commemorating the 45th anniversary of Vietnam’s membership in the UN (September 20, 1977 – 2022) in Hanoi on October 21.  

The ceremony saw the participation of foreign ambassadors, representatives of the diplomatic corps, chief representatives of UN organisations in Vietnam, leaders of Vietnamese ministries and agencies as well as officials and experts who have made contributions to Vietnam - UN relations during the past 45 years.

Speaking at the event, President Phuc affirmed that becoming the 149th member of the UN started a new historical journey in Vietnam’s national construction and defence. That journey has seen the country reviving from the ruins of wars, its "Doi moi" (renewal) process and deep international integration, and its efforts to become a middle-income developing country with a dynamic economy.

Vietnam has always been a friend and a reliable and responsible partner of the international community, and a member of many international organisations, including the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It has also engaged in 17 free trade agreements (FTAs) and is an important part of the global supply chain.

During the most difficult years, the UN was the only multilateral aid channel that helped Vietnam rebuild its socio-economic infrastructure and stabilise people's lives, the President said.

Since Vietnam launched its "Doi moi" process in 1986, the UN has given effective support for the country to build the institution of the market economy, develop human resources, realise development goals, solve social problems, and lift millions of people out of poverty. Especially, during the recent COVID-19 outbreak, the UN’s COVAX Facility provided a large amount of vaccines for the Southeast Asian nation.

President Phuc affirmed that Vietnam is proud of its efforts to carry out the noble missions of the UN. From being a recipient of humanitarian aid, Vietnam has become a reliable and responsible partner of the UN in all key areas, effectively implementing many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

From a country lacking food, Vietnam is today a leading exporter of several agricultural products, contributing to ensuring food security in the region and the world, he said, adding Vietnam is also ready to join the UN in coping with the current food crisis.

The President said that Vietnam is pioneering in efforts to reform the UN development system at the national level. The Vietnam People's Army and People's Public Security Forces, including many female army officers, have been present at the UN missions in South Sudan, the Central African Republic and Abyei.

At the UN Security Council and the UN Human Rights Council, Vietnam has promoted the agenda on women, peace and security, and the impacts of climate change on the enjoyment of human rights. Vietnam has been recently elected to the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 tenure. At present, the country is striving for energy and green transition towards the target of net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.

President Phuc expected that the UN will continue to play a central role in the global governance, serve as a nucleus connecting international solidarity, and a focal point connecting multilateral efforts to strengthen peace, security and development cooperation, for a world without wars, conflicts, injustice, poverty and backwardness.

According to the State leader, throughout many years of war, Vietnam has fully understood the significance of peace and values of development. Vietnam is determined to achieve the goal of wealthy people and strong nation with a just, democratic and civilised society, towards becoming a developed, high-income country by 2045. In such process, cooperation with the UN always holds an important position in Vietnam's foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, multilateralisation and diversification of relations; and comprehensive, extensive and effective international integration.

The President vowed to effectively cooperate with the UN to address global challenges, for the sake of peace, cooperation and development in the world.

Guterres, for his part, reviewed milestones in cooperation between the UN and Vietnam with important socio-economic achievements, including rapid economic growth and fulfillment of almost UN Millennial Development Goals.

Such achievements are a strong testament to the resilience and hard work of the Vietnamese people to overcome difficulties and the policy of putting people at the centre of development, he said.

Guterres said Vietnam once again has the opportunity to be a powerhouse for change, to secure a climate resilient future and to leave no one behind.

The UN chief congratulated Vietnam on being elected to the UN Human Rights Council for the 2023-2025 tenure.
Expressing his concern about climate change and sea level rise, Guterres said: “Without much more concerted global climate action, over one million Vietnamese could be pushed into poverty in this decade alone. And the already staggering economic costs of climate damage in Vietnam could rise fifty-fold by 2050.”

While lauding Vietnam’s bold decision to accelerate its phaseout of coal, jumpstart the renewables revolution, and achieve net zero by 2050, he said the country needs the support to speed this transition and accelerate the greening of its economy.

Guterres also expressed his wish to further strengthen the good relationship between the UN and Vietnam in the coming time to promote peace and sustainable development, respond to climate change, ensure and promote human rights in the world./.
