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Bac Giang to build criteria to select investment

Bac Giang to build criteria to select investment The People’s Council of the northern province of Bac Giang has asked the provincial People’s Committee to study and build a set of criteria to select investment projects, based on the outcomes of the council’s inspection of law enforcement in attracting investment into local industrial parks (IPs) and industrial clusters during 2018-2022.

The building of criteria for investment selection is one of solutions to address outstanding problems and shortcoming in investment attraction, improve the quality and efficiency of investment attraction for local IPs and clusters.

The provincial People’s Council’s inspection showed IPs and industrial clusters in Bac Giang have contributed importantly to local industrial production value, exports and Sate budget collection. They also helped create many jobs for local labourers, formed new industries and services and stimulated economic development and urbanization in rural areas.

However, problems remain in attracting investment in local IPs and industrial clusters. The planning of some industrial clusters has poor quality, infrastructure of a number of IPs, particularly those formed before 2018 such as Dinh Tram and Song Khe -  Noi Hoang IPs, is poor.

In many IPs, infrastructure construction is slow with investors mostly prioritizing industrial work and neglecting greenery or parking space. Most investors have not paid sufficient attention to workers’ housing and cultural and sport facilities serving workers.

The technical infrastructure outside the boundary of some IPs, especially transport infrastructure receives little attention, thus limiting connectivity in the area. Local authorities have also failed to pay due attention to helping IP infrastructure investors handle difficulties and problems arising in ground clearance.

In addition, local IPs have mostly attracted projects in electronic parts sub-contracting, assembling, manufacturing engineering, and solar energy with medium tech. Bac Giang has not been able to attract large-scale foreign-invested projects with ripple effect, multi-national groups, projects with high added value that can contribute remarkably to the local budget and socio-economic development.

Given those problems, the provincial People’s Council has proposed many solutions that the provincial People’s Committee, departments and agencies, and administrations of localities in the province should undertake in the time ahead to address the problems and shortcoming in investment attraction, improve the quality and efficiency of investment attraction for local IPs and clusters.

The provincial People’s Committee is urged to strengthen its direction in ground clearance, particularly paying compensation, in order to accelerate the pace of IPs and industrial clusters. The committee should monitor and push infrastructure investors to improve infrastructure inside IPs and industrial clusters, particularly public facilities, greenery space and environmental protection.

The committee should determine the province’s key industries, and build a set of criteria to select investment projects, with priority given to industries and projects using modern and environmentally-friendly technology.

The Department of Planning and Investment must improve the quality of project assessment for projects in industrial clusters, and intensify inspections of licensed projects with a view to timely removing difficulties for investors and detecting any violations of laws and regulations. Projects with delayed progress or violations of regulations on land, the environment and construction must be promptly handled.

At present, Bac Giang has eight IPs, with five set up before 2018, with total acreage of 1,783 ha.  Four IPs have been filled to 100% capacity, one to 85% capacity and the remaining three are in the phase of ground clearance.

As of March 31, 2022, local IPs attracted 422 investment projects, comprising 316 foreign-invested and 106 domestic, with total registered capital of 7.3 billion USD.

The province has also formed 45 industrial clusters with total area of 1,728 ha. Of them 31 have been put into operation, accommodating 223 projects./.
